Here at Heartland Produce, We Partner With the Top Growers in Our Region
Connect with your community by providing customers with the freshest, locally grown produce. We are committed to food safety, and only use GAP Certified or Primus audited farms throughout the Midwest. All our local farm partners participate in the Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI).
- Buying locally gives you the freshest option for your produce needs.
- Provide your customers with a connection to local farms by utilizing “Grower Profile” stories in your department
- Each season, we are seeing more diverse offerings from our local farmers in both conventional and organic produce. Continue to offer your customers the very best of “what’s in season” locally!
*** The Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI) is an industry-wide effort to improve efficiency and effectiveness of track and trace procedures throughout the produce supply chain, while also reducing the impact of potential recalls or similar problems.